A radio is without doubt a vital bit of equipment for a wildlife ranger. Imagine being out in remote areas of African bush without one, on the trail of armed poachers or trying to locate an injured animal. So it is fair to say that the installation of a completely new, operational digital radio system has transformed the lives of the rangers working in Atherstone Nature Reserve in the Waterberg.

Atherstone is a beautiful, wild area covering some 23,00O0 hectares and is home to endangered black and white rhinos, as well as a population of elephant.  The team of rangers is deployed daily on foot and vehicle patrols to monitor and protect these amazing animals.

As a result of funds raised on the ‘virtual’ Ride for Rhinos which took place over the summer in the UK, Waterberg Rhino is proud to announce the donation of sufficient funds to purchase a totally new radio system for the reserve, including a digital repeater as well as handheld and vehicle radios.

With thanks to all who took part in the Ride or sponsored those who did.  Your support has led directly to improving the lives of the Atherstone rangers as well as that of the animals they protect with such dedication.