Protecting Rhino with Waterberg Rhino UK


A chance to celebrate this iconic animal and remember why its survival is so vital to all of us on the planet. In this short film we highlight the relationship between the rhino and the ranger.

These dedicated men and women spend 24 hours a day out in the bush, in all weathers, risking their lives, guarding rhino in the Waterberg, South Africa, from the constant danger of poaching. Running these patrols is expensive – since 2014 the cost to protect one white rhino has increased by 350%.  With the situation now exacerbated by the lack of tourism due to Covid-19, funds for security and conservation projects, as well as support for the community that protect them, have been severely curtailed.

If you would like to help save the rhino please via the button on our website. By doing so you are protecting all of us. Rhinos are a keystone species, their presence helps maintain a greater biodiversity on the planet; they are a symbol for all creatures great and small. We lose them at our peril.